Tomato Oambal - Sizin Portal

Tomato Oambal

Friday, July 4, 2008

Thanks to RCI, I now know a dish from Nagaland. When I was researching foods from the north-eastern corner of India, I was in for a huge surprise. Half the ingredients were new to me - I hadn't even heard of them. The combinations of ingredients they use were also very different. And I couldn't pronounce the other half! How lovely to live in a country where every state has its own culture and cuisine.

I have traveled extensively in India, and have been to the north-east. And one of the most beautiful states I've been to is Nagaland - the lush greenery, waterfalls and countryside are a sight to behold. And so I was adamant about trying to find a recipe from the Naga cuisine. And here it is in all its simplicity.

Tomato Oambal
(recipe originally from here - I made very slight modifications)

2 tomatoes, chopped
1 tsp mustard seeds
1 tsp jaggery, dissolved in 1/2 cup water
1 tsp raisins
2 red chillies, split
salt to taste
lime juice, to taste
mustard oil

Heat the oil in a little pan. Add the mustard seeds and red chillies. When the mustard begins to pop, add the raisins and tomatoes. Continue stirring until the tomatoes start getting mushed and turn a darker red.

Add the dissolved jaggery and salt and let it come to a boil.

Reduce heat and let it simmer until it becomes thick (this took about 15 mts). Take the pan off the heat and add lime juice and stir.

Easy. And delicious. Serve with Egg Shoap.

The chutney had the sour taste of lime with the spiciness of the chilli and the sweetness of the raisins - it was really an explosion of flavors! I just slathered it on a slice of toast and the entire thing was gone in 5 minutes. Lovely breakfast!

Bhags, thanks for opening my eyes to the undiscovered foods of the north-east. Looking forward to trying out more dishes from your round-up!